Thursday, January 22, 2009


There are some days (like today) where I long for my husband more then usual. I long for the day that we meet and he smiles and the rest is history. I can honestly say that I didn't think I would still be single at my age. I thought I'd be married by nineteen or so. Not that I can see myself married right now, but to actually have a man in my life who could be a possibility would be really nice. To be able to laugh with him, stay up late talking and just...being best friends. I really, really want that.

So here I sit, at work, alone, aching for my husband to walk into my life and remind me why he's so worth the wait.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Long weekend

I am proud to say that we are all moved in and in the process of unpacking.

I am sorry to say that I am so exhausted right now that I feel like crap. I would really like to curl up in a blanket and watch a movie. I just don't feel up to par and if I don't knock it out now the rest of this week is going to be much, much worse.

Orange juice and soup anyone?

Thursday, January 15, 2009

I think that was the sappiest blog I've ever written. I was almost crying just rereading it.

Blogging world:
I'm really not that dramatic, I promise!!

And I am also very excited to be moving out...but I couldn't very well put that at the end of the sad blog. Geez.


Last time

Last night I slept in my room a final time.

This morning I got ready for the last time at my parents house (that's still so weird to say).

This morning was the last time I said I Love You to my dad on my way out the door. That was tough.

And tonight, amidst all the chaos and craziness, I might just cry myself to sleep.

Goodnight Mom, I love you.

Goodnight Dad, I miss you.

Goodnight Grace, dream beautifully.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Too tired to think

I've worked 9 hour days all week and it's starting to take a toll on me. Not that I don't love what I do here, but between working all day, mentally preparing to move and being too restless to sleep really well at night, life is kicking my butt!

**I just had a conversation with one of the guys I work with who speaks mainly spanish...let's just say that it was interesting**

Ok back to the topic at hand. I have very mixed emotions about moving out. For one, I'm beyond excited, I'm stoked! But on the other hand it's going to be such a different transition; moving out of my parents house, not being able to see them every day and having to adjust to life on my own. God has the perfect plan and I'm so grateful for the doors He's opened up. He knew all along what He was doing and to think I spend almost a month worrying my butt off! Trusting in Him is not the easiest thing to do but it's the most necessary thing to do.

That is what I'm working on.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Lean Cuisines at lunch

I'm technically on my lunch break but I'm still of the clock because it's been busy as heck. I've had Lean Cuisines for lunch every day this week and I'm officially done with them. I wouldn't recommend them unless it's an emergency or, in my case, they're on sale for $2.

But that's not the reason for my blogging!

I found out today that I have been approved for an apartment! Me and two of my good friends are moving into it next thursday. It truly is a God thing, He opened up every door, gave us peace about the location and favor with the prices.

All glory and honor to Him!!

2009 is already amazing!